Since forming at university in London, Coldplay have gone on to become one of the planet’s most popular acts, selling more than 100 million copies of their eight Number One albums, which have spawned a string of hits including Yellow, Clocks, Fix You, Paradise, Viva La Vida, A Sky Full Of Stars, Hymn For The Weekend, Adventure Of A Lifetime, Orphans and, most recently, Higher Power. Come up to meet you, tell you I 'm sorry Datang temuimu, ungkapkan sesalku You don't know how lovely you are Kau tak tahu betapa cantiknya. playlist?list=PLsvoYlzBrLFAJd4hNQSHw1lYjDKeQB_iU See more official videos from Coldplay here: Download lagu The Scientist Coldplay terbaru 2021 secara gratis di Listen to the album A Rush of Blood to the Head on YouTube here: /playlist?list=OLAK5uy_k2FivlV4BFfc5fGkDXmmt_gTGAqhN00YE Subscribe for more content from Coldplay: Music Of The Spheres, the new Coldplay album is out October 15th, 2021.
Silahkan klik salah satu tombol yg berfungsi, Jika download belum juga dimulai silahkan klik lagi sampai bisa 😘Ĭoldplay - The Scientist is taken from the album A Rush of Blood to the Head released in 2002 (hear the album at /AROBTTHcp)